
Code tasks are constructive comments in the code that are prefixed with a tag. Here are some examples of code tasks in ruby:

# TODO: This is a todo item that needs to be done urgently!
# BUG Something wrong is happening...
# NOTE - This method is used for a specific reason.

Obviously real code tasks are a lot more constructive than the examples I gave above.

TaskList parses code files and lists code tasks.


TaskList is provided as a gem, so the installation process is as simple as this:

% [sudo] gem install task-list

Note: % is the prompt and sudo (without the square brackets) is not needed if you use RVM.


As stated above, TaskList lists code tags that it finds in code passed to it. Here are the supported tags:

  • TODO
  • NOTE
  • BUG
  • XXX
  • !!!

Also, TaskList will ignore the files that are under certain folders like log or coverage. Finally, TaskList will ignore files with certain extensions like images and SQLite databases.


The TaskList comes with a command-line script called tl which takes one argument and only one argument. This argument can be one of two things:

  • a file
  • a folder

If a file is passed, TaskList will parse this file to find code tags. On the other hand, if a folder is passed, TaskList will recursively parse all the files under that folder to find code tags. Here are some examples:

% tl task-list.rb
% tl task-list/
% tl task-list/task-list.rb
% tl .

All the calls to tl shown above are valid.