Treasure Data command line tool

This CUI utility wraps the td-client-ruby (, the REST API for managing databases and jobs on the Treasure Data Cloud.

For more about Treasure Data, see <>.

For full documentation see <>.

Getting Started

Install td command as a gem.

> gem install td

See help message for details.

> td

You need to authorize the account, before executing any other commands.

> td account

Sample Workflow

> td account -f                       # authorize an account
user: [email protected]
password: **********
> td database:create mydb             # create a database
> td table:create mydb www_access     # create a table


Mac OS X

Disable RVM or rbenv and use system ruby (/usr/bin/ruby). And then run following commands:

$ sudo gem install bundler
$ rake pkg:build


Install following binary packages:

* MinGW with MSYS Basic System and using mingw-get-inst
* Git for Windows, with Windows Command Prompt support
* Ruby ruby-1.9.3p327 using RubyInstaller for Windows, with PATH update
* Inno Setup 5

Then run following commands on MinGW Shell:

$ mingw-get install msys-vim
$ mingw-get install msys-wget
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install  # don't use "--path" option
$ rake exe:build  # don't use "bundle exec"



Copyright © 2011 Treasure Data Inc.


Apache License, Version 2.0