Thor Gem

When run, it generates a new gem project with a skeleton structure for rapidly creating a Thor based gem.


Thor Gem is installed as a gem and provides an executable thorgem to run it.

From github

$ git clone [email protected]:kristianmandrup/thorgem.git
$ rake install

Install directly as a gem

The quick installation alternative using the latest release on RubyGems.

gem install thortask


Generate Thor gem 'mytask' skeleton structure

$ thortask mytask

Generate Thor gem 'mytask' in namespace 'my_namespace'. The executable will be named 'my_namespace_mytask'. If the task is installed in the thor repository, it will can be run by thor as 'my_namespace::mytask'.

$ thortask mytask --namespace my_namespace

Creates Thor gem project_creator skipping generation of skeleton for rspec and cucumber.

$ thortask creator --namespace project --no-rspec --skip-cucumber

Creates task project:good without any tests generated


Allow templates to be deployed within ~/.thor in a templates dir for each task directory.

Example deployment structure:

  + my_task
    + templates
    - main.thor

  + my_other_task
    + templates
    - main.thor


Suggestions for improvement are welcome!