
ThreadParent facilitates spawning threads that maintain a reference to the thread that created them. The primary goal is to allow thread local variable lookup through the ancestor chain.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'thread-parent'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install thread-parent


Thread is extended to provide direct access to its 'parent', or the thread where the current thread was created. It also provides a way to lookup through its ancestor chain for Thread-local variables.

require 'thread_parent'

Thread.current[:abc] = 'abc' do |thread|

  thread.parent == Thread.main #=> true

  # Standard local variable lookup behaves as expected.
  thread[:abc] #=> nil

  # Lookup through the ancestor chain is now supported.
  thread.parents[:abc] #=> 'abc'

  # Local thread variable assignments works as expected.
  thread[:def] = 'def'
  thread[:def] #=> 'def'
  thread.parents[:def] #=> 'def' <- The calling thread is always checked first.

  # Short-hand references to the current thread's parents is also provided.
  Thread.parents[:abc] #=> 'abc'
  Thread.parent == Thread.main #=> true do
    Thread.parents[:def] #= 'def'

    # The parent lookup will continue to the parent's parent until a variable is found.
    Thread.parents[:abc] #= 'abc'

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