_ _             _           _       _
     _  (_) |  _        (_)         | |     (_)  _
   _| |_ _| |_| |_ _____ _ _____  __| |_____ _ _| |_ _____
  (_   _) | (_   _|_____) (____ |/ _  | ___ | (_   _) ___ |
    | |_| | | | |_      | / ___ ( (_| | ____| | | |_| ____|
     \__)_|\_) \__)    _| \_____|\____|_____)_|  \__)_____)

Tilt extension for Jadeite that adds support for rendering Jade templates from Sinatra with help from The Ruby Racer embedded V8 JavaScript interpreter.

  get "/bacon" do
    jade "p Everyone loves #{what[~~(Math.random()*(what.length-1))]} bacon!", :locals => {
      :what => ['smoked', 'tasty', 'delicious', 'chunky']
  => <p>Everyone loves chunky bacon!</p>

### Sinatra example

#### mytemplate.jade

  doctype 5
      title= pageTitle
        if (foo) {
      h1 Jade - node template engine
        if youAreUsingJade
          p You are amazing
          p Get on it!

#### app.rb

  require "tilt-jadeite/sinatra"

  class HelloWorld < Sinatra::Base
    helpers Sinatra::Jade

    get "/jade" do
      jade :mytemplate, :locals => {:pageTitle => "Jade", :youAreUsingJade => true}

Accessing your app at /jade will now produce

  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        if (foo) {
      <h1>Jade - node template engine</h1>
      <div id="container">
        <p>You are amazing</p>

## Rendering server side with Sinatra

The goal of this library is to be able to use the same templates for rendering on server and in browser. Thus, it makes little sense to include support for using Sinatra helper methods in the templates. Therefore, only the locals hash are passed to the template engine. The keys of this hash will be the only variables/functions exposed to templates.

If you still wish to expose helper methods from the Sinatra class to your templates, you can do this by adding the desired keys to the locals hash, enclosing methods in anonymous procs/lambdas.

As this example illustrates:

  get "/" do
    jade :index, :locals => {
      :stylesheet_path => proc {|_ignore, path| stylesheet_path(path) }

Now, the stylesheet_path function is available in the template:

  doctype 5
      link(href=stylesheet_path('app'), rel="stylesheet", type="text/css")
      link(href=stylesheet_path('mobile'), rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", media='screen and (min-width: 481px)')
      // (...)

Remember that Jade is JavaScript, so the procs are converted to functions and thus require () after to be invoked.

You can even expose the haml render method this way:

  get "/crazy" do
    jade "!= haml('%p Mad crazy!')", :locals => { :haml => proc {|_ignore, tmpl| haml(tmpl) } }

This will output:

  <p>Mad crazy!</p>

Whether this is a good idea is another question! See performance considerations below.

## Performance

The Ruby Racer performs data conversion when passing Ruby objects to the V8 context. This does not come for free and can quickly result in performance problems if not taken into consideration. The solution is to keep the locals hash as small and lightweight as possible. It is a good idea to calculate as much data as possible up front.

I.e. an improved version of the stylesheet_path example above would determine the path to the needed stylesheets before invoking the template engine:

  jade :index, :locals => {
    :stylesheets => {
      :app => stylesheet_path('app'),
      :mobile => stylesheet_path('mobile')

modifying the jade template to:

      link(href=stylesheets.app, rel="stylesheet", type="text/css")
      link(href=stylesheets.mobile, rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", media='screen and (min-width: 481px)')
      // (...)

## Author

Bjørge Næss / github.com/bjoerge

## Credits

All kudos in the world goes to TJ Holowaychuk for creating the eminent template language Jade and to Charles Lowell for the amazing Ruby Racer.