
Timeline is a command line tool for generating timeline data from git repositories. It is still very much a work in progress - I'd love to hear your thoughts on how it could be better.

Timeline is inspired by Jacob Kristhammar and Rickard Böttcher's work on Tornado


Usage: timeline [options] command
    -o, --output FILE                Specify the output file name
    -f, --filter FILTER              Specify the regular expression to filter the output with
    -r, --revisions REVISIONS        The git revisions to use (<since>..<until>)
    -n, --number NUMBER              Limit the number of revisions to show
    -b, --branch BRANCH              The git branch
    -v, --version                    Print the version number
    -h, --help                       Display this help message


How have line counts changed over time?

timeline -f "\d+" "wc -l index.html"


  1. Fork Timeline
  2. Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
  3. Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
  4. Send a pull request



Matt Duncan - [email protected]