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Tiplaty Ruby

An API client for Tipalti in ruby.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'tipalti-ruby'

Then bundle install.


API Client

The Tipalti API uses OAuth to authenticate API requests.

First you need ot get an access code externally by following the Tipalti authorization flow.

Then you can create a Tipalti API client.

client =
  client_id: 'client_id', # Tipalti developer app client id
  client_secret: 'client_secret', # Tipalti developer app client id
  access_token: 'access_token', # Access token from authorization flow
  refresh_token: 'refresh_token', # Refresh token from authorization flow
  code_verifier: 'secret', # Code verifier from authorization flow

You can use the Tipalti sandbox by setting client.sanbox = true or as part of the client initialization

client =
  sandbox: true

API Endpoints

For use of each endpoint and available attributes or filtering criteria, please consult the Tipalti API reference.

Payees create

API docs

Example: client.payee_create(refCode: '123abc')

Payees get

API docs

Example: client.payee_get('123abc')

Payees list

API docs

Example: client.payee_list(filter: 'status=="ACTIVE"')

Payment batches create

API docs


                              paymentInstructions: [
                                  payeeId: '123456', 
                                  amountSubmitted: { amount: 5, currency: 'USD' }, 
                                  refCode: '123ref' 

Payment batches instructions get

API docs

Example: client.payment_batch_instructions_get('3456789')

Payments get

API docs

Example: client.payment_get('123abc')

Token Management


If your OAuth access token has expired, you can use the client to refresh your token.

API docs


This will return this response object as well as update the client to use the new access token on successful refresh.


Any error code returned by the Tipalti API will result in one of the following expections

Code Exception
400 Tipalti::BadRequest
401 Tipalti::Unauthorized
403 Tipalti::Forbidden
404 Tipalti::NotFound
429 Tipalti::TooManyRequests
400 Tipalti::ClientError
500 Tipalti::InternalServerError
503 Tipalti::ServiceUnavailable
500 Tipalti::ServerError


Tiplati uses an IPN (instance payment notification) messaging service that enables you to receive notifications from Tipalti. Notifications are triggered when defined events occur (e.g., changes in payee details, system events and payment statuses).

To manage IPNs you will need to instantiate a IPN instance like so.

ipn =
  payload: '...', # The raw payload received to your server from the Tipalti IPN

You can use the Tipalti sandbox by setting ipn.sanbox = true or as part of the initialization

ipn =
  sandbox: true


API docs

Example: ipn.verify


Copyright (C) 2023 Jordan Ell. See LICENSE for details.