to_erb: simple haml2erb conversion tool

Searching the web for a tool or method to convert haml views to erb I have found a gist on github ( with the solution consiting on a hack using the haml engine itself to generate the erb code, For practicality, I have decided to use that snippet in a packaged gem with a command line tool plus a few additional improvements… Important part of the credit must be for the creator of the gist.


The install is as simple as execute the well-known gem install:

sudo gem install to_erb

Known Limitations & Issues

  • Does not support haml helpers (you should fix that by hand after conversion)

  • Strings on tag attributes are not escaped


Convert a haml view to erb

to_erb app/views/products/index.haml

Convert all haml views under app/views directory

to_erb app/views

NOTE: Remember to remove the haml views after conversion!!


Copyright © 2012 Dario Seminara, released under the GPL License (see LICENSE)