
Find nearby towns of a geographic latitude and longitude. Currently it only has US locations. Other data sources can be added if available.


  • Install the gem: gem install to_town

  • add to_town to your Gemfile

  • add require ‘to_town’ to your code

  • You can get a list of nearby points by calling ToTown.check(some_latitude_value, some_longitude_value, results_limit)

Command line:

  • run ‘to_town config` to generate a mongoid.yml in the current directory

  • run ‘to_town populate` to load the data to mongodb

  • run ‘to_town –lat=some_latitude_value –lng=some_longitude_value` to check the result


to_town check –lat=45.018625 –lng=-93.239039 –limit=10

St. Anthony MN

type: city
latitude: 45.027324
longitude: -93.215533
land area: 5831140
water area: 305693

Columbia Heights MN

type: city
latitude: 45.049104
longitude: -93.246749
land area: 8832769
water area: 284420

Hilltop MN

type: city
latitude: 45.053564
longitude: -93.250129
land area: 310173
water area: 0

Lauderdale MN

type: city
latitude: 44.994407
longitude: -93.203134
land area: 1086715
water area: 2752

New Brighton MN

type: city
latitude: 45.064894
longitude: -93.209271
land area: 16731107
water area: 1545061

Minneapolis MN

type: city
latitude: 44.963324
longitude: -93.268284
land area: 139789184
water area: 9052448

Fridley MN

type: city
latitude: 45.084246
longitude: -93.26005
land area: 26329217
water area: 1873882

Falcon Heights MN

type: city
latitude: 44.988048
longitude: -93.174718
land area: 5785375
water area: 16906

Roseville MN

type: city
latitude: 45.015422
longitude: -93.155011
land area: 33679465
water area: 2168129

Arden Hills MN

type: city
latitude: 45.071161
longitude: -93.165504
land area: 22253249
water area: 2743210

Data source

Contributing to to_town

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Send pull request

Copyright © 2011 zhengjia. See LICENSE.txt for further details.