
The torquebox-remote-deployer is a Ruby Gem for deploying TorqueBox .knob files to a remote TorqueBox server. It allows you to deploy your entire application as a single file, but still be able to run Rake and other jobs on the server.

How to Use It

First, you'll need to set up your TorqueBox application for Rake. Then run gem install torquebox-remote-deployer or add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem "torquebox-remote-deployer"

Once the Gem is installed, you'll have a few new Rake tasks:

rake torquebox:remote:deploy              # Deploy the local archive file t...
rake torquebox:remote:exec[cmd]           # Execute Ruby commands against t...
rake torquebox:remote:stage               # Upload this application to the ...
rake torquebox:remote:stage:check         # Verify that the archive file ma...
rake torquebox:remote:stage:deploy        # Deploy the staged archive file ...
rake torquebox:remote:undeploy            # Undeploy the archive file to th...

Before using these, you'll need to configure your remote server by creating a config/torquebox_remote.rb file in your project. This file will be similar to config/torquebox.rb in its format, but the directives are different. You'll need to configure it like this:

TorqueBox::RemoteDeploy.configure do
  torquebox_home "/opt/torquebox"
  hostname "localhost"
  port "2222"
  user "vagrant"
  key "#{ENV["GEM_HOME"]}/gems/vagrant-0.8.7/keys/vagrant"
  sudo true

Of course, fill in the values with your own server information. Then you can stage your application on the remote server with this command:

$ rake torquebox:remote:stage

This will create a Knob file, copy it to the remote server, and explode it to a location where commands can be run from its root directory; like this:

$ rake torquebox:remote:exec["bundle install --path vendor/bundle"]

Now you can to do more useful things like running migrations:

$ rake torquebox:remote:exec["rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production"]

After the exec tasks are complete, you can deploy the Knob to the TorqueBox server.

$ rake torquebox:remote:deploy

This task works just like the torquebox:deploy:archive task, but remotely.


  • Make it friendly to remote Windows targets (already works on Windows source machines).
  • Support deploying to mutliple servers (config would look like multi-hosts in a Vagrantfile)
  • Support deploying over FTP or SFTP in addition to SCP/SSH.