torquebox_faker ===

The sole porpouse of this gem is to fake torquebox so you can run your torquebox apps using MRI in your dev/test environment.

I did it because unfortunetly, as today, JRuby is too slow for loading Rails 2.3 apps. It takes 20-25 seconds to load (aka. require config/environment) a Rails app in my machine (MBP i5)… 20-25 seconds added to my test suits :(

With this gem, I can use jruby for my production environment (and use all the JBoss’s power) and MRI for dev/test environment (making my test suite run 20-25 seconds faster).

I recommend using bundler in this manner:

recommended Gemfile ==

group :development, :test do

gem "torquebox_faker", :platform => :ruby


group :production do

gem 'torquebox', :platform => :jruby


Support features ==

As today, this gem only supports the Task feature from torquebox. It also loads all your tasks at /app/tasks folder.