tortard - tor for tards
Just a simple app to map SOCKS address and port to a local address and port that doesn't require SOCKS.
# this will map port 80 of silkroadvb5piz3r.onion to port 9433 on localhost
host 'silkroadvb5piz3r.onion' do
map 80, 'localhost:9433'
# you can achieve the same with
map 'silkroadvb5piz3r.onion:80', 'localhost:9433'
# if you want you can use SSL
ssl :internal do
# maps here will use SSL internally, which means you will be able to connect
# to the local port without SSL
ssl :external do
# this will require SSL to connect but won't use it internally
ssl :both do
# this will use SSL on both ends