What is Track-R?

Track-R is a library that intends to extend PivotalTracker’s API to a higher level using Ruby.


  $ gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org (you only have to do this once) *New*
  $ sudo gem install track-r


To use Track-R you first need to have a valid account on PivotalTracker. You also need to have an api token. To generate a token, use the “Create New Token” link on the My Profile page.

If you don’t want to generate a token, you can also use Track-R’s token wrapper:

  token = Token.new(:username => my_username, :password => my_password)

And use this object to pass it to all the following methods.

The next step is to require the library itself:

  require 'track-r'

Lastly you can fetch your project by creating a new Project instance:

  my_project = Project.new(:project_id => my_project_id, :token => token)

Want to see it’s stories? Then running this:


Will do the job. But you probably want to fetch the backlog stories:


There you go.

Want to create a new story on that project? You have two choices:

  my_project.create_story(:story_type => value, :estimate => value, :current_state => value, :description => value, :name => value, :requested_by => value, :owned_by => value, :created_at => value, :accepted_at => value, :labels)

Note that most arguments are optional, but please at least specify a name and a description.

Want to modify the story? Try this:

  story = my_project.story(my_story_id)
  story.name = "A new cool name"
  story.story_type = "Bug"
  story.description = "This is really cool"

Don’t like that story anymore? Delete it:






I think this should get you started. Find any bugs? Please use github’s Issue tracker.