Transformers is an extension to hash to allow various transformations using simple DSL. It also has optional rails extension to dry up frequently applied transformations on controller params.
gem install transformers
OR Add dependency in Gemfile for projects using bundler
gem 'transformers'
Available Transformations
Convert values
hash = {:foo => 'bar'} hash.convert :eric, :to => lambda { |value| value.upcase }
OR use short hand notation to call a method on the value
hash.convert :foo, :to => :upcase
Combine keys
hash.convert :begin, :end, :as => :range
Rename keys
hash.rename :foo, :to => :bar
hash.convert :foo, :as => :bar
Alias key
hash.copy :foo, :to => :bar
Convert and combine
hash.convert :first_name, :last_name, :as => :name, :to => lambda { |first_name, last_name| first_name + ' '+ last_name }
Conversion using type converters
hash = {:foo => 'true'} hash.convert :foo, :to => :boolean #built-in
Using Custom converters : You can pass a lambda or define a module or an object which has a call method. This method will receive values for given keys and should return the converted value.
module Transformers::Name def, last_name) return first_name + ' '+ last_name end end
Register the converter
Transformers.register(:name, Transformers::Name)
hash.convert :first_name, :last_name, :as => :name, :to => :name
Use them together in a transform block
hash.transform do delete :unwanted rename :foo, :to => :bar convert :first_name, :last_name, :as => :name, :to => :name end
Rails Extensions
To Include rails extensions add the below line in a config/initializer/transformers.rb. You can register the custom transformers in the same file.
require 'transformers/rails'
This adds transform_params extension to action controller. You can define the transformations for any action as,
transform_params :search, :only => :index do
convert :first_name, :last_name, :as => :name, :to => :name
This will add a before_filter in the controller to apply transformations on params[:search]. If the first argument is omitted, the transformations will be applied directly on the params. The options for transform_params are same as before_filter options.
Rspec Matcher
This gem has a rspec matcher for testing the custom converters. To use this, add the below line in the spec_helper
require 'rspec/transformers'
The converter spec can be written as
describe Transformers::Boolean do
it { should convert('true').to(true)}
it { should convert('false').to(false)}