This gem makes it easier to trigger Heroku deploys from successful Travis builds.

To use:

Add this gem as a development dependency to your app.

Install the travis gem and the Heroku Toolbelt locally.

Add an encrypted environment variable with your Heroku API key to your .travis.yml file by running:

travis encrypt HEROKU_API_KEY=`heroku auth:token` --add

Set a HEROKU_APP environment variable in your .travis.yml file to your Heroku app name:

  - HEROKU_APP=mcalpha

Add an after_success script to your .travis.yml file:

  - travis-heroku

After deployment, the following Heroku config variables will be set:

  • DEPLOYED_SHA - the SHA of the git commit that was deployed
  • DEPLOYED_TIME - the time of deployment

These are accessible in the application as environment variables.