
TreeSL is my effort to define a flexible domain specific language (DSL). I think it’s similar to a recursive descent parser.

TreeSL will try a number of alternative matches for a given node until it finds a matching alternative. This is incredibly inefficient, but the goal is flexibility, not on-the-fly DSL speed.


  require 'treesl'

  parser = TreeSL.define do
    root 'person'

    person 'title firstname lastname'
    person 'title lastname'
    person 'firstname lastname'

    title /^Mr|Mrs|Ms$/
    firstname 'propernoun'
    lastname 'propernoun'
    propernoun /^[A-Z][a-z]+/

  p parser.match("Sam Jones")    #=> {"firstname lastname"=>{"lastname"=>"Jones", "firstname"=>"Sam"}}
  p parser.match("Mr Sam Jones") #=> {"title firstname lastname"=>{"title"=>"Mr", "lastname"=>"Jones", "firstname"=>"Sam"}}
  p parser.match("Mr Jones")     #=> {"title lastname"=>{"title"=>"Mr", "lastname"=>"Jones"}}


Copyright © 2009 Jacob Rothstein. See LICENSE for details.