
Trejo provides nav_item helper to render navigation links. An active class is applied to the link when the requested path matches the link url.


Add it to your Gemfile and run the bundle command to install it.

 gem 'trejo'


If the current path is /home, then the following

   <%= nav_item 'Home', '/home' %>
   <%= nav_item 'Blog', '/blog' %>


   <a href='/home' class='active'>Home</a>
   <a href='/blog'>Blog</a>

Trejo assumes that the link url is the root of the resource, and ignores query parameters by default. So the above example also works if the requested path is /home/index?foo=bar.

The default css class applied to the link is active. This can be overridden by passing a class option with the desired class.

 <%= nav_item 'Home', '/home', class: 'current-section' %>


 <a href='/home' class='current-section'>Home</a>

If you need more granularity in the criteria for determining an active link, you can supply a regular expression in the selected option. So if the current path is /home?foo=bar, then the following

 <%= nav_item 'Home', '/home?foo=bar', selected: /^\/home\?foo=\w+/ %>


 <a class='active'>Home</a>