Trello Client

Build Status Coverage Release

A simple gem for interacting with basic endpoints of the Trello RestAPI.


Track this project on the following trello board:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'trello_client_lite',

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install trello_client_lite

And require it:

require 'trello_client_lite'

For usage see:


This project has a few rules which applies to all contributions:

  1. All commits must follow the Convention Commits specification. This is less scary than it sounds:
    • It mostly involves adding a small prefix to each commit message that indicates what type of commit it is. Common types are feat:, fix:, chore:, test:, docs:, refactor:. See here for a complete list.
    • A optional scope can also be provided. For example if adding a feature within the "server" scope, the commit message prefix would be feat(server):.
    • Commits which introduce breaking changes MUST have a ! before the : in the commit message type prefix, or MUST format its main body as BREAKING CHANGE: <description>. Ideally, do both for good measure.
  2. All changes must be added to master via Pull Requests.
  3. All Pull Requests must be merged by doing a fast-forward only merge. The repository should already be setup to enforce this.

Following these rules enables automatic version bumping and changelog generation, based on the commit history alone. And it also leads to a cleaner and more structured commit history overall, as each commit needs to fit into a specific type.


Local Machine

  1. Ensure you have Ruby version 2.5.0 or later installed.
  2. Clone / checkout the repository.
  3. Run bundle install to install dependencies.
  4. Run bundle exec rspec to run test suite. Or alternatively, make test to run the test suite in an isolated Docker environment.
  5. Run bundle exec rubocop to run linter. Or alternatively, make lint to run the linter in an isolated Docker environment.
  6. Run reek to run another linter.... more details TODO
  7. Make changes.

Docker Environment

  1. Clone / checkout the repository.
  2. Ensure you have Docker installed with the docker CLI client in your PATH.
  3. Run make shell to get a sh shell within a Alpine-based Ruby container, with bundle install already executed.
  4. Test suite and linter can be run within this environment with bundle exec rspec and bundle exec rubocop, just like in the Local Machine environment.
  5. Make changes.


Once enough changes have made it into master that it's worthy a of new release, it's time to bump the version.


  • Node.js
    • On macOS this can be installed with:
brew install node
  • standard-version NPM package — Installed with:
npm install -g standard-version

Cutting a Release

  1. From the master branch, create a new branch called release: git checkout -b release
  2. Run: make new-version — Under the hood this runs npx standard-version, which will:
    • Read the current version from the VERSION file.
    • Look at all commits since the most recent git tag to determine if those changes yield a MAJOR, MINOR or PATCH change.
    • Determine what the new version number is, and write said new version number too the VERSION file.
    • Update with the new version, listing all feat: and fix: commits as items changed since the previous version.
    • Commit the changes to VERSION and as a chore(release): type commit.
    • Create a git tag on the chore(release): commit matching the new version, with a v prefix.
  3. Push the release branch, but not the git tag: git push origin release
  4. Open a Pull Request.
  5. Once the Pull Request is merged and back in master build the gem: make build
  6. Push this gem to make release