Delayed Deltas for Thinking Sphinx (with Resque)

Build Status

This code is HEAVILY borrowed from ts-delayed-delta.


This gem depends on the following gems: thinking-sphinx, resque, and resque-lock-timeout.

gem install ts-resque-delta

Add ts-resque-delta to your Gemfile file, with the rest of your gem dependencies:

gem 'ts-resque-delta', '~> 2.1'

If you're using Rails 3, the rake tasks will automatically be loaded by Rails. If you're using Rails 2, add the following line to your Rakefile:

require 'thinking_sphinx/deltas/resque_delta/tasks'

Add the delta property to each define_index block:

define_index do
  # ...
  set_property :delta => ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta

If you've never used delta indexes before, you'll want to add the boolean column named :delta to each model's table (note, you must set the :default value to true):

def self.up
  add_column :foos, :delta, :boolean, :default => true, :null => false

Also, I highly recommend adding a MySQL index to the table of any model using delta indexes. The Sphinx indexer uses WHERE = 1 whenever the delta indexer runs and ... = 0 whenever the normal indexer runs. Having the MySQL index on the delta column will generally be a win:

def self.up
  # ...
  add_index :foos, :delta


Once you've got it all set up, all you need to do is make sure that the Resque worker is running. You can do this by specifying the :ts_delta queue when running Resque:

QUEUE=ts_delta,other_queues rake resque:work

Contributors (for ts-resque-delta)

Original Contributors (for ts-delayed-delta)

Copyright (c) 2011 Aaron Gibralter, and released under an MIT Licence.