
Uses ActiveRecord to generate a schema.d.ts file for use in typescript frontends.


bundle add "ts_schema"

Then generate the initializer file:

rails generate ts_schema:install


All options with their defaults are in the generated initializer file.

By default, every migration will auto generate a new schema file, replacing the existing one. You can disable this behavior in the config file.

You can manually generate the schema file by running:

rails ts_schema:generate

Default type mappings

Ruby Type Typescript Type
string string
text string
integer number
enum number
bigint number
float number
decimal number
json Record
jsonb Record
binary string
boolean boolean
date string
datetime string
timestamp string
datetime_with_timezone string
inet string
cidr string
macaddr string

Initializer options

Option Default Values Description
case :camel :camel
output Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'javascripts', 'schema.d.ts') Any path Path to output generated file
auto_generate true boolean Whether to automatically (re)generate the defenitions after running migrations
custom_types {} { ruby_type: 'typescriptType' } Use to add or override type mappings for any type
default_type :string Any typescript type The default output type to use if a ruby type is not included in the type mappings
include_associated true boolean Whether to include associated models as fields on the generated interfaces
parent_classes ["ApplicationRecord"] Array of string names of top level classes Any class names included in this array will be querried for subclasses to generate types for
additional_models [] Array of string names of ActiveRecord models Add model names which don't inherit from classes included in parent_classes, but which should have types generated
field_overrides { encrypted_password: :password, password: :optional, } Hash of field names with the following values:
:optional: Makes it an optional field by adding '?' to the defintion (example: password?: string)
:omit: Omits the field from being output in the schema entirely
[string]: Field name override. Will replace any instance of the hash key with the value. The default values replace password with encrypted_password
Overwrite, omit, or make optional any field name. Applies to all generated classes
field_type_overrides {} { field_name: 'typescriptType' } Override all instances of a field name in any record with the supplied type. Useful for polymorphic associations, for example: `commentable_type: "'Product'
namespace :schema string\ symbol
schema_type :interface :interface\ :type
indent :tab :tab\ :space
spaces 2 number Number of spaces for indentation if indentation is set to spaces


Sometimes ActiveRecord's inflections will alter the class name. For instance, with a class named Five; "Fives".singularize returns "Fife", which is not the classname. In the case where Rails alters the classname for an association, you must explicitly define it on the association in the model using class_name. Example: has_many :fives, class_name: "Five".


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.