
Same as Turbolinks but without the CoffeeScript requirement. Check Turbolinks for more information.


Turbolinks is designed to work with any browser that fully supports pushState and all the related APIs. This includes Safari 6.0+ (but not Safari 5.1.x!), IE10, and latest Chromes and Firefoxes.

Do note that existing JavaScript libraries may not all be compatible with Turbolinks out of the box due to the change in instantiation cycle. You might very well have to modify them to work with Turbolinks' new set of events.


  1. Add gem 'turbolinks-js' to your Gemfile.
  2. Run bundle install.
  3. Add //= require turbolinks to your Javascript manifest file (usually found at app/assets/javascripts/application.js).
  4. Restart your server and you're now using turbolinks!