
Tween is a library for doing fluid motion in Ruby. It's primarily a port of Robert Penner's easing calculations to Ruby. It has no dependencies, but it was written for using with Gosu.

What do they do?

Tweening is a technique for fluid animation. It will find a number of steps between two points, allows something to transition smoothly between point A and point B. While it's easy to code a linear interpolation yourself, there are a number of easings in this library you can use.

An easing is a method of transitioning between two points more smoothly than linear interpolation. Linear interpolation has sudden starts and stops, and a constant velocity. Using an easing such as Tween::Quart::InOut will make the object start moving slowly, accelerate, decelerate and arrive at its destination gracefully.

For usage and a visual demonstration of what this really is, install Gosu and run demo.rb in the examples directory.