This is a reasonably useful version of a Twitter commandline tool with much more functionality to come. The biggest part that is missing currently is seemless authentication with Twitter’s xAuth, which will be added once they approve the request.

Getting Started

  1. Install Tweetline at the command prompt if you haven’t yet:

    gem install tweetline
  2. Until Twitter approves xAuth for Tweetline, you will have to create a ~/.tweetlinerc yaml file with your authentication credentials like the following…

    :consumer_key: "your-key"
    :consumer_secret: "your-secret"
    :oauth_token: "your-token"
    :oauth_token_secret: "your-secret"
  3. Enter commands with tl:

    tl ls
    ESV Daily Verse (@esvdaily) [04:46 AM]
         A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. (54842265859915777)
    DHH (@dhh) [04/02/11 11:43 AM]
         I've tried many answers for "what do you get out of working on open source?", but the truth is the act of creation is its own reward. (54222543829213184)
    Anthony Crumley (@anthonycrumley) [04/08/11 10:41 PM]
         Writing code for the fun of it is its own reward.  When we create for the joy of creating we imitate our creator. (56562348806242304)


tl cat [ID]                # Display the details of a tweet with responses based on twitter id or piped in tweets.
tl follow [SCREEN_NAME]    # Follows the twitter user based on their screen name or piped in tweets.
tl grep PATTERN            # Display tweets matching pattern.
tl help [TASK]             # Describe available tasks or one specific task
tl json                    # Lists tweets from the timeline in JSON format.
tl ls [SCREEN_NAME]        # Lists tweets from the timeline.
tl retweet [ID]            # Retweets the tweet by the Twitter id or a group of piped in tweets.
tl rm [ID]                 # Removes the tweet by it's id or a list of piped in tweets.
tl say                     # Speaks the tweet at the top of your timeline.
tl tail                    # Displays recent tweets in chronological order.
tl unfollow [SCREEN_NAME]  # Unfollows the twitter user based on their screen name or piped in tweets.
tl update STATUS           # Updates your current Twitter status.
tl yaml                    # Lists tweets from the timeline in YAML format.