Uberbutton - Compass Plugin

A class and a mixin to generate nifty buttons.


gem install uberbutton

Add the following line to config/compass.rb

require 'uberbutton'

Install the framework

compass install uberbutton


The class “uberbutton” includes common base styles for each button. The mixin “uberbutton” lets you create classes for different styled buttons.

Use “uberbutton” in conjunction with a style class you create. (This isolates the common code and is for DRY).


Create the style class in scss .main-cta

@include uberbutton(start-color, end-color, "path_to_background_pattern");

Use both style class and uberbutton to construct button. <a class=“uberbutton main-cta”>

Hello world.



[Cemre Gungor](cem,re/) started this project while drinking Four Loko.