
uk-hs_code enables to dynamically search Harmonized Codes via UK Trade Tariff API,


The repository is here:

Add to your Gemfile:

$ gem 'uk-hs_code'


$ bundle install


# Get all HS codes matching 'table' reference

> refs ='table')

> refs.inspect

 # => [#<Uk::HsCode::Record id="6133", type="search_reference", attributes=#<Uk::HsCode::Record title="table, billiard and bagatelle", referenced_id="9504", referenced_class="Heading", goods_nomenclature_item_id="9504000000", productline_suffix="80", goods_nomenclature_sid=54540>>,
 #<Uk::HsCode::Record id="11204", type="search_reference", attributes=#<Uk::HsCode::Record title="table cloths, knitted or crocheted", referenced_id="6302", referenced_class="Heading", goods_nomenclature_item_id="6302000000", productline_suffix="80", goods_nomenclature_sid=43645>>,
 #<Uk::HsCode::Record id="11205", type="search_reference", attributes=#<Uk::HsCode::Record title="tablecloths, knitted or crocheted", referenced_id="6302", referenced_class="Heading", goods_nomenclature_item_id="6302000000", productline_suffix="80", goods_nomenclature_sid=43645>>,
 #<Uk::HsCode::Record id="7289", type="search_reference", attributes=#<Uk::HsCode::Record title="tablecloths, of paper", referenced_id="4818300000-80", referenced_class="Commodity", goods_nomenclature_item_id="4818300000", productline_suffix="80", goods_nomenclature_sid=40686>>,
 #<Uk::HsCode::Record id="11206", type="search_reference", attributes=#<Uk::HsCode::Record title="table cloths, other than knitted or crocheted", referenced_id="6302510000-10", referenced_class="Subheading", goods_nomenclature_item_id="6302510000", productline_suffix="10", goods_nomenclature_sid=43679>>

# Get only HS codes with their titles matching 'carpet' reference

> refs = Uk::HsCode.search_hs_codes('carpet')

> refs.inspect

 # => [#<Uk::HsCode::Record code="8451808000", title="carpet cleaning machines liquid injection">,
 #<Uk::HsCode::Record code="4008000000", title="carpet underlay, rubber">,
 #<Uk::HsCode::Record code="5402000000", title="carpet yarn, of man-made filaments">]


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. To test with static code analyzer, run rake rubocop. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.