
What is Undertexter?

Undertexter provides a basic API for Undertexter.se

Support for other subtitles sites will be added in the future. Follow this project to know when.

Follow me on Twitter or Github for more info and updates.

How to use

Find a subtitle

Pass an imdb id.

subtite = Undertexter.find("tt0840361").first

# => 8328
# => "The Town"
# => "The.Town.2010.EXTENDED.480p.BRRip.XviD-NYDIC"
# => "http://www.undertexter.se/utext.php?id=23711"
# => "http://www.undertexter.se/?p=undertext&id=23711"

Pass any string.

Undertexter.find("die hard").count
# => 41

Specify a language

Undertexter.find("tt0840361", :language => :english).count
# => 48

Undertexter.find("tt0840361", :language => :swedish).count
# => 8

Download subtitle to disk

Download to /tmp.

# => "/tmp/The.Town.2010.EXTENDED.480p.BRRip.XviD-NYDIC.rar"

# => true

Specify an absolut path.

Undertexter.find("tt0840361").first.download!(:to => /some/dir)
# => "/some/dir/The.Town.2010.EXTENDED.480p.BRRip.XviD-NYDIC.rar"

Specify a relative path.

# => /Users/linus/Downloads
Undertexter.find("tt0840361").first.download!(:to => 'my_dir')
# => "/Users/linus/Downloads/my_dir/The.Town.2010.EXTENDED.480p.BRRip.XviD-NYDIC.rar"

Find subtitle based on a release name

Undertexter.find("tt0840361").based_on("The Town EXTENDED 2010 480p BRRip XviD AC3 FLAWL3SS")


Specify how sensitive the based_on method should be, from 0.0 to 1.0.

Undertexter.find("tt0840361").based_on("The Town EXTENDED 2010 480p BRRip XviD AC3 FLAWL3SS", limit: 0.0)
# => nil
Undertexter.find("tt0840361").based_on("The Town EXTENDED 2010 480p BRRip XviD AC3 FLAWL3SS", limit: 0.4)
# => #<SContainer::Subtitle:0x00000101b8d808 @cds=1, @downloads=1644, @title="The.Town.EXTENDED.2010.480p.BRRip.XviD.AC3-FLAWL3SS", @details="http://www.undertexter.se/?p=undertext&id=23752", @movie_title="The Town", @language=:swedish>
Undertexter.find("tt0840361").based_on("The.Town.EXTENDED.2010.480p.BRRip.XviD.AC3-FLAWL3SS", limit: 0.0)
# => #<SContainer::Subtitle:0x00000101b8d718 @cds=1, @downloads=1644, @title="The.Town.EXTENDED.2010.480p.BRRip.XviD.AC3-FLAWL3SS", @details="http://www.undertexter.se/?p=undertext&id=23752", @movie_title="The Town", @language=:swedish>

What is being returned?

The find method returns an Array with zero or more Container::Subtitle instances with some basic accessors.

  • movie_title (String) The official name of the movie.
  • cds (Fixnum) The amount of cds that the release should contain.
  • title (String) The release name of the subtitle, should have the same name as the downloaded movie.
  • downloads (Fixnum) The amount of downloads for this particular subtitle.
  • url (String) A direct link to the subtitle file, a rar file for example.
  • details (String) A link to the details page for the subtitle.
  • download! (String) The absolut path to the downloaded subtitle.

Options to pass

find method

Take a look at the Specify a language part for more info.

  • :language (Symbol) The language of the subtitle. Default is :swedish, the other option is :english.

download! method

Take a look at the Download subtitle to disk part for more info.

  • :to (String) The absolut or relative path to where the downloaded file will be placed. Default is /tmp

based_on method

Take a look at the Find subtitle based on a release name path for more info.

  • :limit (Float) The sensitivity of the method, where 0.0 is a perfect match and 1.0 is don't care. If this is set to high the method will return nil. Default is 0.4. Read more about the levenshtein algorithm that is being used here.

How to install

[sudo] gem install undertexter

How to use it in a rails 3 project

Add gem 'undertexter' to your Gemfile and run bundle.


Undertexter is tested in Mac OS X 10.6.6, 10.6.7 using Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2.


Undertexter is released under the MIT license.