
Allow copying records to alternate table before destroying an ActiveRecord model for archiving purposes. Data will be mapped one-to-one to the archive table schema. Additional fields can also be configured for additional tracking information. Archive table schema will automatically be updated when the parent model's table is migrated through Rails.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'undestroy'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install undestroy


To activate Undestroy on a model, simply call the undestroyable method on the class like so:

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base

This method also can accept an options hash to further customize Undestroy to your needs.

  • :table_name: use this table for archiving
  • :class_name: use this AR model for archiving
  • :connection: use this connection for archiving
  • :fields: Specify a hash of fields to values for additional fields you would like to include on the archive table -- lambdas will be called with the instance being destroyed and returned value will be used (default: { :deleted_at => proc { |instance| Time.now } }).
  • :migrate: Should Undestroy migrate the archive table together with this model's table (default: true)

    $ person = Person.find(1) $ person.destroy

    => Inserts person data into archive_people table

    => Deletes person data from people table


This is the basic class structure of this gem. It was designed to be modular and easy to tailor to your specific needs.


Map the source model's schema to the archive model's and initiate the transfer through Transfer. When run is called the Transfer is initialized with a primitive hash mapping the schema to the archive table.

Initialized with:

  • :config: Instance of Undestroy::Config for this model
  • :source: Instance of the source model


Map the archive model's schema to the source model's and initiate the transfer through Transfer

Initialized with:

  • :config: Instance of Undestroy::Config for this model
  • :archive: Instance of the archived model


Handles the actual movement of data from one table to another. This class simply uses the AR interface to create and delete the appropriate records. This can be subclassed to provide enhanced performance or customized behavior for your situation.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request