Units of (Crypto) Money

units-money library / gem - units of (crypto) money (in integer) incl. ether / eth (finney, szabo, shannon, lovelace, babbage, wei), bitcoin / btc (satoshi), sol (terra, luna) and more



The following methods are added on Integer (Fixnum and Bignum) and always return another Integer (Fixnum and Bignum) object (in the base money unit) for now:


E2  = 10**2   #                       100
E3  = 10**3   #                      1000
E4  = 10**4   #                    10_000
E5  = 10**5   #                   100_000
E6  = 10**6   #                 1_000_000
E7  = 10**7   #                10_000_000
E8  = 10**8   #               100_000_000
E9  = 10**9   #             1_000_000_000
E10 = 10**10  #            10_000_000_000
E11 = 10**11  #           100_000_000_000
E12 = 10**12  #         1_000_000_000_000
E13 = 10**13  #        10_000_000_000_000
E14 = 10**14  #       100_000_000_000_000
E15 = 10**15  #     1_000_000_000_000_000
E16 = 10**16  #    10_000_000_000_000_000
E17 = 10**17  #   100_000_000_000_000_000
E18 = 10**18  # 1_000_000_000_000_000_000

def e2()  self * E2; end
def e3()  self * E3; end
def e4()  self * E4; end
def e5()  self * E5; end
def e6()  self * E6; end
def e7()  self * E7; end
def e8()  self * E8; end
def e9()  self * E9; end
def e10() self * E10; end
def e11() self * E11; end
def e12() self * E12; end
def e13() self * E13; end
def e14() self * E14; end
def e15() self * E15; end
def e16() self * E16; end
def e17() self * E17; end
def e18() self * E18; end


def wei()        self; end
def kwei()       self * e3; end
def mwei()       self * e6; end
def gwei()       self * e9; end
def microether() self * e12; end
def milliether() self * e15; end
def ether()      self * e18; end

## aliases
alias_method :babbage,   :kwei
alias_method :lovelace,  :mwei
alias_method :shannon,   :gwei
alias_method :szabo,     :microether
alias_method :finney,    :milliether

alias_method :microeth,  :microether
alias_method :micro,     :microether
alias_method :millieth,  :milliether
alias_method :milli,     :milliether
alias_method :eth,       :ether


Note: The Money class is for now just an empty "wrapper" around an integer:

class Money
  def self.zero() 0; end

## "global" converter function e.g. Money(0)
def Money( arg ) arg; end


The units-money scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!