Convenience library, like ActiveSupport or extlib, but without a single monkey-patch. It is also an API experiment.


Stand alone:

require 'unpatched'
inlcude Unpatched


Is that too much sugar? Try this:

require 'unpatched'
include Unpatched::Unfancy

Still too much?

require 'unpatched'

With Sinatra:

require 'sinatra'
require 'unpatched'
helpers Unpatched

get '/' do
  expires exactly(1.5).minutes.from_now!
  "Hey, ho, let's go!"

When to use an exclamation mark

Short: You don't have to. But methods without one will always return magically enhanced objects. Since you never want to pass those on (otherwise, what's the point?), you can get vanilla objects by using an exclamation mark.

Rule of thumb: Use it at the end of your method chain.


gem install unpatched


  • Write code and documentation
  • Fix project description in gemspec
  • Change testing framework if necessary (see Rakefile, currently RSpec)
  • Adjust unpatched.gemspec if your github name is not rkh
  • Adjust License if your real name is not Konstantin Haase