
Additional string functionality to make uri encoding easier and cleaner to use in your Ruby code.

Nothing fancy going on here, this module is just a wrapper around the function CGI::escape and CGI::unescape. Functionality is added to the String class, so just add the module and the extra funcitons will be there for you to use (check out the basic usage example below). I just wanted an easier and cleaner way to encode/decode uri strings for my ruby projects.

basic usage

Add to Gemfile for rails and other bundle-enabled projects

gem ‘uri-handler’

code sample

require ‘uri-handler’

puts “testing+123 invalid uri character/s”.to_uri # => “testing%2B123+invalid+uri+character%2Fs”

val = “testing+123 invalid uri character/s”


puts val => “testing%2B123+invalid+uri+character%2Fs”

puts val.uri_decode # => “testing+123 invalid uri character/s”


puts val # => “testing+123 invalid uri character/s”

puts val.uri_encode # => “testing%2B123+invalid+uri+character%2Fs”


puts val # => “testing%2B123+invalid+uri+character%2Fs”

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