
This plugin provides the ability to encrypt a column of the database table which you can safely expose in the URL. Provides handy method to make DB calls (Rails way of calling ya know !)

After Installation you can put the encryptor key in your environment.rb file:

UrlEncrypt.encryptors(“abcdefghijklmnop”, “mnbkjhkhkhkhkhkjhkjh”) -> so that KEY and IV for Cipher encryption are different


UrlEncrypt.encryptors(“abcdefghijklmnop”) -> so that KEY and IV for Cipher encryption are same


NOTHING -> so that plugin takes care of hanving its own


class Book < ActiveRecord::Base

column :id, :integer
column :title, :string

encrypted :with => :title


Ypu have handy methods:

Book.find_by_encrypted_title(‘encrypted string’)

Book.find_by_encrypted_title(‘encrypted string’, :conditions => [“any other condition can go here”])

Copyright © 2008 (Amit Kumar), released under the MIT license