url_processor Build Status Gem Version Code Climate

Fast and easy way to process urls.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'url_processor'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install url_processor


Example use case:

require 'url_processor'
require 'trollop'

opts = Trollop::options do
  banner <<-EOS
This utility validates the quality of links used by courtreference.com.
  opt :log, "output to logfile (default is STDOUT)", :type => :string
  opt :debug, "enable debugging mode"
  opt :batch_size, "maximum batch size (records to retrieve at a time before processing urls)", :default => 100
  opt :max_concurrency, "maximum number of threads to spawn", :type => :int, :default => 20
  opt :max_retries, "maximum number of times to try a url before failing", :type => :int, :default => 3
  opt :max_timeout, "maximum duration in seconds to wait for url to load", :type => :int, :default => 5
  opt :cookies_file, "file to store cookie information", :type => :string, :default => '/tmp/whatever_cookies'
  opt :max_total_connections, "maximum number of connections to keep open at a time", :type => :int, :default => 100

# Additional validations
opts[:log] = STDOUT if opts[:log] == nil

link_check = UrlProcessor.create do |config|
  config.log = opts[:log]
  config.debug = opts[:debug]
  config.batch_size = opts[:batch_size]
  config.max_concurrency = opts[:max_concurrency]
  config.max_retries = opts[:max_retries]
  config.cookies_file = opts[:cookies_file]
  config.max_total_connections = opts[:max_total_connections]

  config.retrieves_links_by_id_with do |link_id|
    puts "I was called with #{link_id}"

  config.retrieves_all_links_with do
    links = []
    (1..3).each do |i|
      links << OpenStruct.new(:id => i, :urls => [{:url => 'http://www.example.com'}])

  config.creates_new_link_request_with do |url, params|
    UrlProcessor::LinkRequest.new(url, params)

  config.processes_response_with do |response|
    if response.return_code == :ok
      config.logger.info "#{response.return_code} - #{response.effective_url}".green
      destroyed_broken_link = OpenStruct.new(:id => 1, :serializable_hash => { :about => 'Not a real record' })
      config.logger.debug "broken link destroyed (#{destroyed_broken_link.id}): #{destroyed_broken_link.serializable_hash}".green
      config.logger.info "#{response.return_code} - #{response.effective_url}".red

puts "Running this thing..."

Updating this gem

If you are making changes to this gem, here's some stuff you will need to know:

Running the executables

If you have an exetable file called "my_executable" in the bin folder, you can run it by doing:

bundle exec my_executable

If you want to play around in the interactive console with the gem already loaded, you can do this:

bundle exec rake console

To run the tests

bundle exec rake spec

Please note that we are using simplecov for code coverage.


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com/ejhayes/url_processor/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
  6. Pat yourself on the back