URL Validator

URL validator makes possible check URI with different charset like: www.詹姆斯.com . For each setted variable to check, it generates the dynamic method called variable_normalized, which return internationalized format of URI. For exmaple www.詹姆斯.com => www.xn--8ws00zhy3a.com. This gem is using addressable gem for internationalizing and beyond regexp for checking valid URI. See in spec kind of valid/invalid URI.


Include the gem in your Gemfile:

gem "url_validator", "~> 0.0.3"

Or as a plugin:

rails plugin install git://github.com/zdenal/url_validator


In your class:

class User

  attr_accessor :website
  validates_url :website


Then somewhere in code:

@user.website = 'www.詹姆斯.com'
@user2.website = 'website.com'
@user.website_normalized       # =>  www.xn--8ws00zhy3a.com
@user2.website_normalized      # =>  website.com
@user.valid?                   # => true
@user2.valid?                  # => true
@user.website                  # => http://www.詹姆斯.com
@user2.website                 # => http://website.com

Url validator automaticly prefill scheme 'http://' (by schemes options - see below) if is missing in URI.


  • :allow_blank => false/true default = false. The same princip like in others validations.
  • :allow_nil => false/true > default = false. The same princip like in others validations.
  • :message => 'Some custom message' default is: "is not a valid URL". A custom error message.
  • :schemes => ['http', 'https',...] default = ['http', 'https']. Array of URI schemes to validate against. If checked URI missing scheme, then the first scheme of this array is chosen for prefill URI.
  • :prefferred_scheme => 'ftp://' default is the first item from schemes array. If setted, then the validator prefill the checked URI with this scheme if missing some scheme.
  • :if/:unless => ..... the same like in others validations.

If preffered scheme is 'ftp://' and URI is with some scheme http://website.com, then after valid is URI http://website.com.

If preffered scheme is 'ftp://' and URI is without some scheme website.com, then after valid is URI ftp://website.com.

For constriction URI schemes, use option :scheme => ['ftp'], then http://website.com will not valid and website.com will valid and prefilled to ftp://website.com.


You can find more specification for valid/invalid checking URI in spec folder inside tests.

rake spec  # run tests.