
Use0MK is a Ruby interface for the URL shortening service. It uses standard Ruby conventions in exposing’s API and allows developers to more easily utilize


Use0MK requires the json gem in order to work properly.

Use0MK as a gem is hosted on After adding gemcutter to your gem sources, install it with:

gem install use0mk


Shortening a URL

require "use0mk"

# Pass your username as the first argument and your API key as
# the second. You can safely use this without them.
zeromk =

# It is probably a good idea to watch for exceptions when
# calling any method on Use0MK::Interface or Use0MK::ShortenedURI
# in order to check if something went wrong. Watch for the exceptions
# thrown by URI.parse, Net::HTTP errors and the Use0MK errors.
short = zeromk.shorten("")

puts "Shortened #{short.title}[#{short.long_uri}] to #{short.short_uri},"
puts "with #{short.short_name}. Use #{short.delete_uri} with this"
puts "delete code #{short.delete_code} to delete this shortened URL."
puts "You can view the stats on this shortened URL by following"
puts "#{short.stats_uri}, too."


puts "Too late, now your shortened URL has been deleted.\n" if short.delete

Previewing a URL

require "use0mk"

zeromk = # username, API key

# It's a good idea to watch for URI, Net::HTTP and Use0MK errors here.
# Pass a hash of :uri, or :short_name to preview in order to have it
# work out for you.
preview = zeromk.preview :uri => ""

deletable = preview.delete

puts "The #{preview.short_uri} links to #{preview.long_uri}."
puts "Too bad, tho, it was created by #{preview.origin}ing a"
puts "given URL/shortname. Now you #{deletable ? 'can' : 'cannot'}"
puts "delete the short URL. #{deletable ? ':)' : ':(' }"


Use0MK is Copyright © 2010 Stojan Dimitrovski. Refer to the LICENSE file included in this distribution for more information on the copyrights.