
This is the UserQuery package.


gem install userquery

For User Documentation, see

The RubyForge package userquery allows users to do general queries on SQL database table columns using a simple query language. The package parses tokens from the user’s query and generates SQL WHERE clauses immune to SQL injection attacks.

For example, if a user wants to search for all entries records on a DATETIME field named date, the user can enter: “11/1/2006” into a text field associated with searching on the date column.

UserQuery will intuitively convert this query into an SQL WHERE clause fragment:

  ( >= '2006-11-01 00:00:00') 
  ( <  '2006-11-02 00:00:00')

The user query syntax includes “NOT”, “OR”, “AND” operators, grouping with parentheses, well as relational operators like “LESS THAN 5” or “>= $500”. Keyword searching, like “foo AND NOT ‘bar baz’” using SQL LIKE operators is configurable.This package deals with currencies, conversions between currencies and monetary values in an object-oriented fashion.

Home page

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the UserQuery library


unit and functional test


example programs


UserQuery was developed by:

  • Kurt Stephens – ruby-userquery(at)


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