Ruby SDK for Userbin

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Userbin adds an additional security layer to your application by providing account takeover protection and two-factor authentication in a white-label package

Your users do not need to be signed up or registered for Userbin before using the service and there's no need for them to download any proprietary apps. Also, Userbin requires no modification of your current database schema as it uses your local user IDs.

Table of Contents


Add the userbin gem to your Gemfile

gem "userbin"

Load and configure the library with your Userbin API secret in an initializer or similar.

Userbin.api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

Getting started

1. Logging in and out

You should call login as soon as the user has logged in to your application to start the Userbin session. Pass a unique user identifier, and an optional hash of user properties which are used when searching for users in your dashboard.

  userbin.(, email:

When a user logs out from within your application, call logout to tell Userbin to remove the session from the user's active sessions.

def your_after_logout_hook

Check that it works by logging in to your application and watch your user appear in the Userbin dashboard.

2. Protecting routes

Call authorize! just before your current_user is being initialized. Usually you'll want to override your normal authentication filter, e.g. authenticate_user! if you're using Devise.

  • UserUnauthorizedError will be raised if login has not yet been called, or if the session is no longer valid.
  • ChallengeRequiredError will be raised when the user has enabled two-factor authentication and is logging in from an untrusted device.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  rescue_from Userbin::UserUnauthorizedError, with: :user_unauthorized
  rescue_from Userbin::ChallengeRequiredError, with: :challenge_required

  # IMPLEMENT: Override the authentication method from your framework
  def authenticate_user!

  # IMPLEMENT: Log out your user locally
  def user_unauthorized
    redirect_to root_path

  # IMPLEMENT: Redirect to two-factor authentication login
  def challenge_required
    redirect_to show_challenge_path

Then use the overridden filter in your protected routes as you normally would, and all your critical flows will be protected from account takeover.

class AccountController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :authenticate_user!

Active Sessions

Show a list of sessions currently signed to a user's account.

The context is from the last recorded security event on a session.

userbin.sessions.each do |session|
  puts          # => 'yt9BkoHzcQoou4jqbQbJUqqMdxyxvCBr'
  puts session.context.ip  # => ''

Destroy a session to revoke access and trigger a UserUnauthorizedError the next time authorize! refreshes the session token, which is within 5 minutes.


Security Events

List a user's recent account activity, which include security events such as user logins and failed two-factor attempts. See the Event API for a list of all the available events. do |event|
  puts                        # => 'session.created'
  puts event.context.ip                  # => ''
  puts    # => 'Sweden'
  puts event.context.user_agent.browser  # => 'Chrome'

Two-factor Authentication

Using two-factor authentication involves two steps: pairing and authenticating.


Before your users can protect their account with two-factor authentication, they will need to pair their their preferred way of authenticating. The Pairing API lets users add, verify, and remove authentication channels. Only verified pairings are valid for authentication.

Pairing with Google Authenticator

The user visits a page to add Google Authenticator to their account. First create a new Authenticator pairing to generate a QR code image.

@authenticator = userbin.pairings.create(type: 'authenticator')

Render a page containing the QR code, which the user scans with Google Authenticator.

<img src="<%= @authenticator[:qr_url] %>">

After scanning the QR code, the user will enter the 6 digit token that Google Authenticator displays, and submit the form. Capture the response and verify the pairing.

  userbin.pairings.verify(params[:pairing_id], response: params[:code])
rescue Userbin::InvalidParametersError
  flash.notice = 'Wrong code, try again'

Pairing with Phone Number (SMS)

Create a new phone number pairing which will send out a verification SMS.

@phone_number = userbin.pairings.create(
  type: 'phone_number', number: '+1739855455')

Catch the code from the user to pair the phone number.

  userbin.pairings.verify(params[:pairing_id], response: params[:code])
rescue Userbin::InvalidParametersError
  flash.notice = 'Wrong code, try again'

Pairing with YubiKey

YubiKeys are immediately verified for two-factor authentication.

  userbin.pairings.create(type: 'yubikey', otp: params[:code])
rescue Userbin::InvalidParametersError
  flash.notice = 'Wrong code, try again'

Enabling and Disabling

For the sake of flexibility, two-factor authentication isn't enabled automatically when you add your first pairing.



If the user has enabled two-factor authentication, authorize! might raise ChallengeRequiredError, which means they'll have to verify a challenge to proceed.

Capture this error just as with UserUnauthorizedError and redirect the user to a path not protected by authorize!.

If the user tries to reach a path protected by authorize! after a challenge has been created but still not verified, the session will be destroyed and UserUnauthorizedError raised.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  rescue_from Userbin::ChallengeRequiredError do |exception|
    redirect_to show_challenge_path
  # ...

Create a challenge, which will send the user and SMS if this is the default pairing. After the challenge has been verified, authorize! will not throw any further exceptions until any suspicious behavior is detected.

When you call trust_device, the user will not be challenged for secondary authentication when they log in to your application from that device for a set period of time. You could add this to your form as a checkbox option.

class ChallengeController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @challenge = userbin.challenges.create

  def verify
    challenge_id = params.require(:challenge_id)
    code = params.require(:code)

    userbin.challenges.verify(challenge_id, response: code)

    # Avoid verification on next login for better experience
    userbin.trust_device if params[:trust_device]

    # Yay, the challenge was verified!
    redirect_to root_url

  rescue Userbin::ForbiddenError => e
    sign_out # log out your user locally

    flash.notice = 'Wrong code, bye!'
    redirect_to root_path

Backup Codes

List or generate new backup codes used for when the user didn't bring their authentication device.

userbin.generate_backup_codes(count: 8)

List Pairings

List all pairings.

# List all pairings
userbin.pairings.each do |pairing|
  puts      # => 'yt9BkoHzcQoou4jqbQbJUqqMdxyxvCBr'
  puts pairing.type    # => 'authenticator'
  puts pairing.default # => true

Set a pairing as the default one.


Remove a pairing. If you remove the default pairing, two-factor authentication will be disabled.



Userbin.configure do |config|
  # Same as setting it through Userbin.api_secret
  config.api_secret = 'secret'

  # Userbin::RequestError is raised when timing out (default: 2.0)
  config.request_timeout = 2.0