Class: Uttk::Strategies::RUnit

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This strategy is wrapper around a Ruby unit test suite based on the test/unit library. Using RUnit you avoid the Ruby ‘require’ problem and you use all the power of the Uttk’s Suite and/or Pool.

How it works ?

RUnit works by invoking Ruby on the specified file and then by parsing the output in order to inject it into the Uttk’s log stream. To do that, you must use a specific TestRunner based on YAML. This TestRunner produces a YAML output readable by a human and the strategy.


You need to first write your unit test suite using the test/unit package and the YAML TestRunner. Then, you write a few line in the input Uttk file to incorporate the unit test in the Uttk’s suite.

The unit test suite file: foo_test.rb

require 'foo'

class FooTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

  def test_1


The YAML input file for Uttk

RUnit example test:
  strategy: RUnit
  input: !path my_unit_directory/foo_test.rb

One suite for all your unit test suite

If you find cumbersome to write for every unit test files a single RUnit strategy into the YAML input file of Uttk, there is another way that is used in test/unit-suite.yml.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Strategy


Method Summary

Methods inherited from Strategy

#abort, #assert_cmd, #assign, #clean_instance_variables, #display_unexpected_exc, #display_unexpected_synflow_exc, #fail, #initialize, #initialize_flow_factory, #mk_system_runner, #name=, #pass, #raise_error, #reject, #run, #running?, #skip, #skip_if_cached, #skip_pass, #skip_wrt_rpath_and_rpath_exclude, #strategy, #strategy=, #symbols=, #symtbl, #symtbl=, #testify, #timeout=, to_form, #to_s, to_yaml_type, #wclass=

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Uttk::Strategies::Strategy