
Ruby client for uwsgi.it API. Now with a command line tool out of the box.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uwsgi_it_client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install uwsgi_it_client


After install you can run it with the CLI executable uwsgi_client or using the ruby API.

CLI interface

CLI requires username, password and url to be provided inline with the command unless you provide a configuration file. You can create this file in the current directory or in your home directory. The file must be named .uwsgi_it_client.yml and should read like the following example:

  username: kratos
  password: deimos
  url:      https://foobar.com/api

If both files exist (one in the home directory and one in the current directory) then the one in your current directory will have precedence.

Ruby API

To use the API, create a UwsgiItClient instance with your account data:

client = UwsgiItClient.new(
  username: 'kratos',
  password: 'deimos',
  url:      'https://foobar.com/api/'

Here are the mappings for the existing API calls and CLI commands:

List your data

# Plain Usage
curl https://kratos:[email protected]/api/me/
# Ruby Client
uwsgi_client me -u=kratos -p=deimos -a=https://foobar.com/api

# CLI with configuration file
uwsgi_client me

Change company name

# Plain Usage
curl -X POST -d '{"company": "God of War 4 S.p.a."}' https://kratos:[email protected]/api/me/
# Ruby Client
client.post :me, {company: 'God of War 4 S.p.a.'}

Change password

# Plain Usage
curl -X POST -d '{"password": "deimos17"}' https://kratos:[email protected]/api/me/
# Ruby Client
client.post :me, {password: 'deimos17'}

List your containers

# Plain Usage
curl https://kratos:[email protected]/api/me/containers/
# Ruby Client
uwsgi_client containers -u=kratos -p=deimos17 -a=https://foobar.com/api

Show a single container

# Plain Usage
curl https://kratos:[email protected]/api/containers/30009
# Ruby Client
client.container 30009
uwsgi_client containers 30009 -u=kratos -p=deimos17 -a=https://foobar.com/api

 List distros

# Plain Usage
curl https://kratos:[email protected]/api/distros/
# Ruby Client
uwsgi_client distros -u=kratos -p=deimos17 -a=https://foobar.com/api

Set container distro

# Plain Usage
curl -X POST -d '{"distro": 2}' https://kratos:[email protected]/api/containers/30009
# Ruby Client
client.post :container, {distro: 2}, id: 30009

Upload ssh keys

# Plain Usage
curl -X POST -d '{"ssh_keys": ["ssh-rsa ........."]}' https://kratos:[email protected]/api/containers/30009
# Ruby Client
client.post :container, {ssh_keys: ["ssh-rsa..."]}, id: 30009

List domains

# Plain Usage
curl https://kratos:[email protected]/api/domains/
# Ruby Client
uwsgi_client domains -u=kratos -p=deimos17 -a=https://foobar.com/api

Add domain

# Plain Usage
curl -X POST -d '{"name":"mynewdomain.org"}' https://kratos:[email protected]/api/domains/
# Ruby Client
client.post :domains, {name: 'mynewdomain.org'}

Delete domain

# Plain Usage
curl -X DELETE -d '{"name":"mynewdomain.org"}' https://kratos:[email protected]/api/domains/
# Ruby Client
client.delete :domains, {name: 'mynewdomain.org'}

High level syntax

Post and delete calls are by default low level, if you want the nicer syntax you need to extend your client with ClientHelpers module:

client.extend UwsgiItClient::ClientHelpers

client.company = 'Umbrella Corp.'

client.password = 'secret'

client.set_distro 3, 30009

client.add_key 'ssh-rsa...', 30009

client.add_keys ['ssh-rsa...', '...'], 30009

client.add_domain 'mynewdomain.org'

client.delete_domain 'mynewdomain.org'


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request