Hmurca's Vagrant Kit

This toolkit (codename Hobo) is a Vagrant plugin that wraps and simplifies building of Hmurca powered development formations.


Install this gem as a Vagrant plugin.

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hmurca


Check project documentation here.

End-to-end testing

Because there's not mean to run end-to-end test automatically (for example Vagrant doesn't work on that we use for CI testing), you should test it manually before making any changes. There's a test Vagrantfile and hmurca.conf in project root directory, use them to bring the formation up and check if everything works as expected. Run the following from project root directory:

$ bundle exec vagrant up


  1. Work on your changes in a feature branch.
  2. Make sure that tests are passing.
  3. Send a pull request.
  4. Wait for feedback.