
Vagrant plugin that exposes the VBoxManage snapshot command.


Ensure you have Vagrant 1.1+ installed, then run:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbox-snapshot


The following commands are added by this plugin:

 vagrant snapshot take [vm-name] <SNAPSHOT_NAME>   # take snapshot, labeled by NAME
 vagrant snapshot list [vm-name]                   # list snapshots
 vagrant snapshot back [vm-name]                   # restore last taken snapshot
 vagrant snapshot delete [vm-name] <SNAPSHOT_NAME> # delete specified snapshot
 vagrant snapshot go [vm-name] <SNAPSHOT_NAME>     # restore specified snapshot


Other solutions

This plugin is primarily a port of vagrant-snap to Vagrant 1.1.


To develop on this plugin, do the following:

# get the repo, and then make a feature branch (REPLACE WITH YOUR FORK)
git clone
cd vagrant-vbox-snapshot
git checkout -b MY-NEW-FEATURE

# installs the vagrant gem, which is a dev dependency
bundle install 

# hack on the plugin
vim lib/vagrant-vbox-snapshot.rb # or any other file

# test out your changes, in the context provided by the development vagrant gem, and the local Vagrantfile.
bundle exec vagrant snapshot ...

# commit, push, and do a pull-request

See for the notes I compiled while developing this plugin.