
Gem Version

Vagrant plugin that simplifies calling VBoxManage on your Vagrant VM, by automatically injecting the machine uuid argument into the right spot. So instead of this:

VBoxManage showvminfo `cat .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/id` --details

You can just do this:

vagrant vboxmanage showvminfo --details


The following commands are added by this plugin:

 vagrant vboxmanage [vm-name] [--] <subcommand> [args]


  • <subcommand> is the VBoxManage subcommand, eg showvminfo
  • [vm-name] is the VM name; must be specified if multiple VMs are defined in Vagrantfile

For all VBoxManage commands except those listed in SPECIAL_COMMANDS.txt, the VM uuid will be inserted immediately after the command name.


# in case of a single VM environment
vagrant vboxmanage showvminfo --details

# in case of multi-VM environment
vagrant vboxmanage mysql01 showvminfo  --details


  • Only minimally tested.
  • TODO: support for UUID substitution for SPECIAL_COMMANDS.txt commands
  • TODO: show VBoxManage-like usage help.


Ensure you have Vagrant 1.1+ installed, then run:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vboxmanage


To develop on this plugin, do the following:

# get the repo, and then make a feature branch (REPLACE WITH YOUR FORK)
git clone
cd vagrant-vboxmanage
git checkout -b MY-NEW-FEATURE

# installs the vagrant gem, which is a dev dependency
bundle install 

# hack on the plugin
vim lib/vagrant-vboxmanage.rb # or any other file

# test out your changes, in the context provided by the development vagrant gem, and the local Vagrantfile.
bundle exec vagrant snapshot ...

# commit, push, and do a pull-request

See for the notes I compiled while developing this plugin.