Vedeu Input

A configured and running client application using Vedeu will spend the majority of its time waiting for input from the terminal by the user.

Input in to Vedeu is essentially characters derived from a keypress or keypresses, and throughout this document, 'characters' and 'keypresses' may be used interchangably to mean 'input'.

  • It should be noted that data can be also be 'piped' into a Vedeu application as input, though at this time, this is not the mode du jour.

The input received by Vedeu is handled in one of three ways, depending on which mode Vedeu has been configured to use; 'raw' (default), 'cooked' or 'fake'. See below for details of each.

  • Vedeu uses Ruby's 'IO/Console' from the standard library to facilitate this. For more information relating to this area, consult the Ruby documentation, or the 'stty(1)' or 'termios(3)' manpages.

Raw Mode

This is the default mode for Vedeu. Keypresses or characters are not processed by the underlying terminal, but instead sent directly to Vedeu to be handled.

Vedeu.configure do
  terminal_mode :raw

  # or...


  # ...more configuration here

This mode is generally used to perform an operation dependent on the key which was pressed. The configuration of mapping keypresses to actions is handled on a per-interface basis; each interface having its own keymap which can perform specific actions.

There is also global keymap available to handle certain keypresses application-wide, ie. irrespective of the interface or view which is currently in focus. The global keymap would specify the keypress needed to exit the application, for example.

See Keymaps for more information.

Cooked Mode

Here, the input from the user is stored in an internal buffer by the terminal itself until a line-feed or carriage-return character is encountered. The terminal then sends this stream of characters to Vedeu to be processed.

Vedeu.configure do
  terminal_mode :cooked

  # or...


  # ...more configuration here

Fake Mode

Whilst technically the terminal will be in raw mode, with the 'fake' mode, Vedeu attempts to simulate cooked mode but with some additional functionality. To do this, Vedeu creates an internal buffer for characters resulting from keypresses to be either stored or processed immediately.

Vedeu.configure do
  terminal_mode :fake

  # or...


  # ...more configuration here

Mode Switching

During the lifecycle of a Vedeu client application it may be necessary to switch between the different modes offered. This is handled by triggering the :_mode_switch_ event. By default, this cycles through the available modes. When an optional but valid target mode is given, that mode will be activated instead.

Vedeu.trigger(:_mode_switch_, mode) # Valid values for mode are
                                    # :raw, :cooked or :fake

Accessing Input

Accessing the input can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Via a keymap: Vedeu will interpret the input and trigger events or call methods based on the input received.

  • Via API calls: You can access that which is entered into the client application with the following methods:

    Vedeu.all_commands   # => Returns an array of all the commands
                         #    entered.
    Vedeu.last_command   # => Returns the last command entered.
    Vedeu.all_keypresses # => Returns all the individual
                         #    keypresses entered as an array.
    Vedeu.last_keypress  # => Returns the last keypress entered.
  • Via events: You can access that which is entered by binding to events which Vedeu will trigger as input is received:

    Vedeu.bind(:key) do
      # ... do something with the key
    Vedeu.bind(:command) do
      # ... do something with the command

Providing Input

Input can be provided in a couple of ways, automatic and manually.


Dependent on the terminal mode as mentioned previously.

  • In :raw mode, a keypress (a single character e.g. b, or modifier+character e.g. Shift+F12), can be bound via the keymaps functionality.
  • In :cooked mode, a group of keypresses, terminated with the return key will trigger the :command event which you can bind to and perform actions dependent on the input provided.
  • In :fake mode, Vedeu emulates the terminal allowing you all the benefits of :cooked mode but with Vedeu's in-built editor. The input can be accessed using the API calls as mentioned in input.

Manually (semi-automatic)

See api