
versioned-routes-rails adds a single method to the Rails routes.rb DSL,version, which allows you to specify API versions.

When a user requests a specific version of an action, the closest version of that route is matched, starting with the requested version and going down to 1. This allows you to only specify a subset of routes to add or replace in subsequent API versions, allowing all the unmodified routes to fall through to the previous version.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'versioned-routes-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install versioned-routes-rails


require 'versioned_routes' in your routes.rb to load the version DSL.

Controllers must be namespaced as VN::ThingController, where N is the API version.

For example, let's define our V1 API as a set of Message resources, with some member actions. These will map to V1::MessagesController.

Our V2 API will only change the logic of V1::MessagesController#show, so we'll only specify that action in the version 2 block. Requests to /api/v2/messages/:id will be routed to V2::MessagesController#show, while all other /api/v2/messages requests will still be routed to V1::MessagesController.

require 'versioned_routes'

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  scope :api do
    version 1 do
      resources :messages do
        member do
          post :read

    version 2 do
      resources :messages, only: [:show]
$ rake routes

                   Prefix Verb   URI Pattern                                                                              Controller#Action
      read_v1_message POST   /api/v1/messages/:id/read(.:format)                                                  v1/messages#read {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
          v1_messages GET    /api/v1/messages(.:format)                                                           v1/messages#index {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
                          POST   /api/v1/messages(.:format)                                                           v1/messages#create {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
           v1_message GET    /api/v1/messages/:id(.:format)                                                       v1/messages#show {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
                          PATCH  /api/v1/messages/:id(.:format)                                                       v1/messages#update {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
                          PUT    /api/v1/messages/:id(.:format)                                                       v1/messages#update {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
                          DELETE /api/v1/messages/:id(.:format)                                                       v1/messages#destroy {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
           v2_message GET    /api/v2/messages/:id(.:format)                                                       v2/messages#show {:format=>:json, :api_version=>2}
      read_v2_message POST   /api/v2/messages/:id/read(.:format)                                                  v1/messages#read {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
          v2_messages GET    /api/v2/messages(.:format)                                                           v1/messages#index {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
                          POST   /api/v2/messages(.:format)                                                           v1/messages#create {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
                          PATCH  /api/v2/messages/:id(.:format)                                                       v1/messages#update {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
                          PUT    /api/v2/messages/:id(.:format)                                                       v1/messages#update {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}
                          DELETE /api/v2/messages/:id(.:format)                                                       v1/messages#destroy {:format=>:json, :api_version=>1}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at