VersionOne SDK - A Ruby SDK for the VersionOne REST API


This is a VersionOne SDK in Ruby that accesses the VersionOne REST API.

VersionOne currently offers SDKs in Java, .NET, Python and JavaScript but not in Ruby or other languages. This SDK seeks to provide an easier way to use the REST API for Ruby applications.

It currently offers the following capabilities:

  1. Ability to retrieve and parse all Assets of a certain type to JSON (via JsonDoc)
  2. Ability to query Assets transparently using Asset OID Tokens (e.g. "Story:1") or Asset Numbers (e.g. "B-1").
  3. Ability to update Assets using Ruby without needing to manually create XML.


Download and install versionone_sdk with the following:

gem install versionone_sdk


require 'versionone_sdk'

params      =  {
  :hostname => '',
  :instance => 'myinstance',
  :username => 'myusername',
  :password => 'mypassword',
  :port     => 443,
  :protocol => 'https'

v1client =

# Retrieve an array of VersiononeSdk::Asset objects

assets   = v1client.getAssets('Scope')

assets.each do |asset|
  assetHash = asset.asHash

# Retrieve a single asset using an Asset OID Token
# Returns a VersiononeSdk::Asset object

asset = v1client.getAsset("Story:1")
asset = v1client.getAsset("Story",1)

# Retrieve a single asset using an Asset Number

asset = v1client.getAsset("B-1")
asset = v1client.getAsset("B",1)

# Updating an asset with a simple attribute
# Returns a Faraday::Response object


# Updating an asset with a single-value relationship:


# Updating an asset with a multi-value relationship: adding members


# Updating an asset with a multi-value relationship: adding and removing members

v1client.updateAsset("Scope",0,"Members",[       \
  { :value => "Member:1000", :act => "add" },    \
  { :value => "Member:1001", :act => "remove " } \


This gem is 100% documented with YARD, an exceptional documentation library. To see documentation for this, and all the gems installed on your system use:

$ gem install yard
$ yard server -g


  1. Integer Values
    • Integer values for Order and AssetState are converted from strings to integers.
  2. Nil/Null Values and Empty Strings
    • The VersionOne JavaScript API provides empty strings when no value is present. This SDK uses Ruby nil values and JSON null values for empty strings. The primary reason for this is to support easy indexing using Elasticsearch.
  3. Inflation
  4. Tracking Properties
    • In addition to the standard VersionOne properties, this modules adds the following generic properties for tracking: :idsObjectDomain, :idsObjectType, :idiObjectId, :idsObjectUrl. The object domain is set to 'Versionone', while object type and object id correspond to VersionOne Asset types and ids. The URL is the full URL for the resource including protocol, host and port.

Change Log

  • 2014-03-24: 0.1.0
    • Update JSON representation to use array for multiple values and string for single values for both attribute and relation XML tags. Previously relation tags would be converted to arrays even if there was only a single element. This change is not backward compatible.
    • Update control properties format from id#property to #property_id. This change is not backward compatible.
  • 2014-03-20: 0.0.4
    • Fix for VersiononeSdk::Update::updateAsset
  • 2014-03-20: 0.0.3
    • Add ability to retrieve a single asset using an OID token or Number
    • Add VersiononeSdk::Update to support updating Assets
  • 2014-03-17: 0.0.2
    • Add VersiononeSdk::Asset object to support value inflation, starting with AssetState.Name
  • 2014-03-16: 0.0.1
    • Initial release


VersionOne API Documentation

VersionOne API Documentation for Updating an Asset

Copyright and License

VersiononeSdk © 2014 by John Wang.

VersiononeSdk is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE document for more information.


This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.