
Simple OAUTH and OneAPI calls against Vodafone's OneAPI endpoint


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'vfnetapis'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install vfnetapis


USAGE: Initialize with Vfnetapis::Location.new(application key, callbackURI) , then location(MSISDN, requested accuracy in metres)

The gem returns lat/long based on mobile network location, incorporating and greatly simplifying the OAUTH flow to gain user consent.

The result is a JSON location based on the OneAPI location API, http://oneapi.gsma.com/reference-location-restful-api/

For convenience the JSON is pre-parsed into several instance variables, see example below.

For this version the callbackURI must points to a web service with specific routes, to trap the authorization and access token flows. See https://github.com/OneAPI/NetworksAPIs/ruby/auth_trap.rb for a Sinatra implementation.

EXAMPLE: require 'vfnetapis'

# 1. run auth_trap.rb from https://github.com/OneAPI/NetworksAPIs/ruby

# 2. initialise with your application key and use the auth_trap.rb as the callback URI

# 3. make the location request, params are MSISDN in tel:441234567890 format, and requested accuracy in metres 

# 4. Do something with the results!
puts 'Results for address: ' + loc.address
puts 'longitude is ' + loc.longitude
puts 'latitude is '  + loc.latitude
puts 'altitude is '  + loc.altitude
puts 'accuracy is ' + loc.accuracy
puts 'timestamp is ' + loc.timestamp

puts 'the full response is: ' + loc.response.to_s # => the raw JSON if you want it...

puts 'the access token is: ' + loc.access_token
puts 'the access token expiry is: ' + loc.expires_in"


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  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request