
A gem for storing information about videos on remote streaming sites


  • Currenty supports Youtube and Vimeo
  • Methods for checking if they're still online
  • Methods for bringing down up-to-date data from API #
  • Various sorting options made possible through duck typing

To start using the gem have a file to the lib directory called keys.rb that defines YOUTUBE_DEVELOPER_KEY as your google developer key (must have access to the V3 Youtube API).

Instantiate a new Youtube video with youtube ID here)

Do the same with Vimeo, but replace Youtube with Vimeo!!

Both classes respond to: present? -- Returns true if the video
video_id -- ID uri -- URI for the video title -- The Title thumbnail_uri -- URI for the thumbnail channel_name -- Name of the poster of the video views -- # of views likes -- # of likes comment_count -- # of comments duration -- length of the video in seconds

This duck typing allows you to sort both kinds of videos in the same collection. E.G. [a bunch of vimeos and youtubes].sort_by(&:views).reverse # this would sort the collection by most views