

  • Windows: install Windows Subsystem For Linux and a distribution of your choice, then from within that, follow the instructions for Linux.
  • Linux: follow your distribution's instructions for installing Rubygems. For example, in Ubuntu it's sudo apt install rubygems or in Manjaro it's pacman -Sy rubygems. Afterwards, install Viewchars with gem install viewchars.
  • macOS: install Brew, then open a terminal and install Rubygems with brew update followed by brew install brew-gem. Afterwards, install Viewchars with brew gem install viewchars.


Simply viewchars will output a short help message.

Try e.g. viewchars mary had a little lamb or viewchars -c -d forward -b dec 109 97 114 121 32 104 97 100 32 97 32 108 105 116 116 108 101 32 108 97 109 98 for either of the two usage modes, respectively.


Bug reports and pull requests are more than welcome at


This gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.