Viva Wallet

Gem Version

A Ruby wrapper for the Viva Wallet Smart Checkout API.


Add module to your Gemfile:

gem 'viva_wallet'

Then run bundle to install the Gem:

bundle install

Set up an initializer file with your Viva Wallet Smart Checkout client keys:

VivaWallet.client_id  = 'viva_client_id'
VivaWallet.client_secret = 'viva_client_secret'
VivaWallet.source_code = 'website_app_source_code'
VivaWallet.test_mode  = true/false

e.g. config/initializers/viva_wallet.rb


This gem provides a collection of operations for use within the Viva Wallet Smarket Checkout API.

Generate API access token

Use OAuth to generate new API access for an account



Create a Payment Order


How to contribute

  • Fork the project
  • Create your feature or bug fix
  • Add the requried tests for it.
  • Commit (do not change version or history)
  • Send a pull request against the development branch

Copyright (c) 2022 Tom Dallimore (@tom_dallimore)
Licenced under the MIT licence.