The VMware Cloud CLI. This is the command line interface to VMware's Application Platform

Copyright 2010-2011, VMware, Inc. Licensed under the MIT license, please see the LICENSE file. All rights reserved.

Usage: vmc [options] command [<args>] [command_options]
Try 'vmc help [command]' or 'vmc help options' for more information.

Currently available vmc commands are:

Getting Started
  target [url]                                 Reports current target or sets a new target
  login  [email] [--email, --passwd]           Login
  info                                         System and account information

  apps                                         List deployed applications

Application Creation
  push [appname]                               Create, push, map, and start a new application
  push [appname] --path                        Push application from specified path
  push [appname] --url                         Set the url for the application
  push [appname] --instances <N>               Set the expected number <N> of instances
  push [appname] --mem M                       Set the memory reservation for the application
  push [appname] --no-start                    Do not auto-start the application

Application Operations
  start <appname>                              Start the application
  stop  <appname>                              Stop the application
  restart <appname>                            Restart the application
  delete <appname>                             Delete the application
  rename <appname> <newname>                   Rename the application

Application Updates
  update <appname> [--path]                    Update the application bits
  mem <appname> [memsize]                      Update the memory reservation for an application
  map <appname> <url>                          Register the application to the url
  unmap <appname> <url>                        Unregister the application from the url
  instances <appname> <num|delta>              Scale the application instances up or down

Application Information
  crashes <appname>                            List recent application crashes
  crashlogs <appname>                          Display log information for crashed applications
  logs <appname> [--all]                       Display log information for the application
  files <appname> [path] [--all]               Display directory listing or file download for path
  stats <appname>                              Display resource usage for the application
  instances <appname>                          List application instances

  services                                     Lists of services available and provisioned
  create-service <service> [--name,--bind]     Create a provisioned service
  create-service <service> <name>              Create a provisioned service and assign it <name>
  create-service <service> <name> <app>        Create a provisioned service and assign it <name>, and bind to <app>
  delete-service [servicename]                 Delete a provisioned service
  bind-service <servicename> <appname>         Bind a service to an application
  unbind-service <servicename> <appname>       Unbind service from the application
  clone-services <src-app> <dest-app>          Clone service bindings from <src-app> application to <dest-app>

  user                                         Display user account information
  passwd                                       Change the password for the current user
  logout                                       Logs current user out of the target system
  add-user [--email, --passwd]                 Register a new user (requires admin privileges)
  delete-user <user>                            Delete a user and all apps and services (requires admin privileges)

  aliases                                      List aliases
  alias <alias[=]command>                      Create an alias for a command
  unalias <alias>                              Remove an alias
  targets                                      List known targets and associated authorization tokens

  help [command]                               Get general help or help on a specific command
  help options                                 Get help on available options

Simple Story (for Ruby apps)

vmc target api.vcloudlabs.com
bundle package
vmc push