Vodpod - Ruby bindings for the Vodpod API.

Vodpod is a web site that allows you to collect videos. This library lets you interact with those collections and videos over their REST-style API, using clean Ruby. Typically one interacts with the Vodpod API through javascript, but maybe you’ve got bigger plans. Maybe you want to integrate with a content management system, or copy videos automatically from a social bookmarking site. Be creative. :-)

Right now you can search for videos across the site and in a specific pod, retrieve details on videos and pods, and page through videos in a pod. You can also post new videos to a pod, and update video attributes. Error handling is spotty thus far.


Vodpod.start(:api_key => ‘…’, :auth => ‘…’) do |v|

# Get a pod
pod = v.pod('aphyr')

# Basic information about a pod is loaded by default
pod.name   # => "aphyr's videos" 
pod.stats  # => {"total_views"=>23, "weekly_pod_views"=>2, ...}

# Retrieve tags (also works on videos)
pod.tags   # => [<Vodpod::Tag neotokyo (1)>, <Vodpod::Tag game (1)>, ...]

# Look at who's following this pod
pod.followers  # => [<Vodpod::User foo>, <Vodpod::User bar>, ...]

# Get a full dump of an object's contents (works on Tags, Users, Videos, ...)
pod.store      # => {"name"=>"aphyr's videos", "created_at" => ...}

# List some videos
pod.videos.map { |video| video.title }
# => ["Official Neotokyo Trailer", "Kittens Attack!"]

# You can page through results and filter by tags
pod.videos(:tags => 'music', :page => 2, :per_page => 16)
# => [<Vodpod::Video ...>, <Vodpod::Video ...>, ...]

# Find videos by searching (Also works on pods)
v.search('obama', :per_page => 48)
# => [<Vodpod::Video ...>, <Vodpod::Video ...>, ...]

# Get a specific video by ID
vid = v.video(1063027)   # => <Vodpod::Video ...>

# Show the associated user
vid.user                 # => <Vodpod::User scarrfase>

# Post a new video to a pod. Returns the new video.
  :title => 'Neotokyo Recon Demo',
  :description => 'Demo footage of the in-development Neotokyo mod',
  :tags => ['game', 'neotokyo', 'trailer']
# => <Vodpod::Video ...>

# Add a tag "sports" to every video in a pod about frisbee.
pod.search('frisbee').each do |video|
  tags = "#{video.tags} sports"
  video.update(:tags => tags)



  • Posting videos seems to work–the URL is correct in the returned video JSON, but visiting the page doesn’t seem to load. Perhaps a caching issue on Vodpod’s end?

  • Automatic casting for datetimes.

  • Better error handling

  • Iterators for acting on all results without thinking about pagination